
Headline text against a brick wall background reads 'Bringing people in Greater Boston together for community service.' Six PMD volunteers in a candid photo are working on a community service project together, passing materials to each other down an assembly line that they formed. They are working hard, wearing work gloves, and smiling with each other. They are standing on a wooden platform with the PMD platform that reads: do something good, make new friends, learn something new.

Join PMD’s Next Volunteer Project(s)

Officiate for virtual, solo-team regional matches for the National Science Bowl

Saturday 2/15/2025, all day, beginning at ~8:15am ET

Rain or shine.

Location: Virtual/Zoom

Note: We only shares zoom links, schedules, and other details with registered volunteers and teams since we cannot accommodate any observers/audience members or walk-ins, i.e., unregistered volunteers

Deadline: Register by 1/31

2025 logo of the National Science Bowl

Officiate for the Northeast Regional Middle School Science Bowl at MIT

Saturday 2/22/2025, 8am to 1pm or to 6pm

Rain or shine.

Location: MIT, Cambridge

Deadline: Register by 2/07

Join the Backup List if you can reserve this day/time.

2025 green and blue National Science Bowl logo

Officiate for the Blue Lobster Bowl regional competition of the National Ocean Sciences Bowl (NOSB) at MIT!

Saturday 3/01/2025, 9:30am to 4:30pm or 6:30pm

Rain Date: 03/02
Commitment for both 3/1&2 is required.
We will decide to postpone to Sunday 3/2 by 4pm on Th 2/27.

Location: MIT, Cambridge

Note: PMD only shares exact locations, schedules, and other details with registered volunteers and teams since we cannot accommodate any walk-ins, i.e., unregistered volunteers or teams

Deadline: Register by 2/06

~2 volunteers are still needed.

We need detail-oriented, enthusiastic and reliable volunteers to run the 2025 Blue Lobster Bowl high school ocean sciences competition at MIT!

How We’ve Made a Difference

Three PMD volunteers in a cafeteria-style kitchen, preparing food on meal trays to serve to people in need. They are smiling and concentrating on the task. They are wearing PMD aprons, PMD name tags, and wearing disposable gloves for food service.
Meals for People in Need
Four PMD volunteers wearing PMD badges are sorting and packaging seed packets. They are fulfilling seed packet requests for Boston community gardens in order to help local gardeners. They are wearing PMD and gloves to handle items to follow covid-19 precautions.
Helping Community Gardens
Three PMD volunteers are carefully assembling Braille-embossed stickers onto children’s books and magnets, in order to help adults and children of all abilities read together. The volunteers are working together at a long table, wearing PMD volunteer badges, and appear focused on their work.
Assembling Print-Braille Children’s Books
A line of 8 PMD Volunteers are working hard to prune shrubbery that is lining the pond at Spy Pond Park, in order to help reveal the view of the pond and improve the urban green space. They are holding long gardening pruning devices, with their backs facing the camera.
Improving Urban Greenspaces
Five PMD volunteers are facing your direction, wearing face masks, PMD volunteer badges. They jointly carry a full box of packed ziploc bags that they finished assembling for the street outreach program with Pine Street Inn. Each individual bag includes items such as hand sanitizer, lip balm, lotion, facial tissue packs, and other toiletries.
Packing Street Outreach Supplies
6 PMD volunteers are seated at a table in the front of a classroom, with a blank projector screen behind them, and laptops, projectors, wires, papers, and a digital clock in front of them on the table. They are volunteering at a school science bowl event where they help run the rounds as moderators, science judges, rule judges, scorekeepers, time keepers.
School Science Bowls

Get Involved

Icon of a hand positioned from a side view, with a heart floating above it.

Volunteer Personally

It’s easy to participate!
PMD only requires committing to one project at a time.

Icon of a handshake

Corporate Partnerships

PMD partners with businesses to offer their employees well-organized volunteer projects that make real differences.

Icon of two hands holding to form a heart symbol

Charity Partnerships

PMD provides its charity partners with expert service project planning and volunteer management for high impact.


Strengthen volunteerism with your donation

Your donation will help provide the materials we need for our upcoming PMD projects.

4 PMD volunteers are hard at work together at a table while packing hand sanitizer, lip balm, lotion, facial tissue packs, and other toiletries. They are assembling the supplies into zip lock bags in order to help the street outreach program at Pine Street Inn. They are wearing PMD volunteer badges, face masks, and using gloves to handle the materials.
15 PMD volunteers are seen standing on the front steps at the National Braille Press in Boston Massachusetts. A large plaque at the front of the building displays the words “National Braille Press.” The PMD Volunteers are holding their completed projects for the day of embossing Braille stickers onto pages of children’s books and magnets, in order to help adults and children of all abilities read together.

“Never doubt that a small group of
thoughtful, committed citizens,
can change the world. Indeed, it’s
the only thing that ever has.”

   Margaret Mead

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