Join PMD’s Next Volunteer Project(s)
Officiate for virtual, solo-team regional matches for the National Science Bowl
Saturday 2/15/2025, all day, beginning at ~8:15am ET
Rain or shine.
Location: Virtual/Zoom
Note: We only shares zoom links, schedules, and other details with registered volunteers and teams since we cannot accommodate any observers/audience members or walk-ins, i.e., unregistered volunteers
Deadline: Register by 1/31

Officiate for the Northeast Regional Middle School Science Bowl at MIT
Saturday 2/22/2025, 8am to 1pm or to 6pm
Rain or shine.
Location: MIT, Cambridge
Deadline: Register by 2/07
Join the Backup List if you can reserve this day/time.

Officiate for the Blue Lobster Bowl regional competition of the National Ocean Sciences Bowl (NOSB) at MIT!
Saturday 3/01/2025, 9:30am to 4:30pm or 6:30pm
Rain Date: 03/02
Commitment for both 3/1&2 is required.
We will decide to postpone to Sunday 3/2 by 4pm on Th 2/27.
Location: MIT, Cambridge
Note: PMD only shares exact locations, schedules, and other details with registered volunteers and teams since we cannot accommodate any walk-ins, i.e., unregistered volunteers or teams
Deadline: Register by 2/06
~2 volunteers are still needed.

How We’ve Made a Difference

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Volunteer Personally
It’s easy to participate!
PMD only requires committing to one project at a time.

Corporate Partnerships
PMD partners with businesses to offer their employees well-organized volunteer projects that make real differences.

Charity Partnerships
PMD provides its charity partners with expert service project planning and volunteer management for high impact.
Strengthen volunteerism with your donation
Your donation will help provide the materials we need for our upcoming PMD projects.

“Never doubt that a small group of
thoughtful, committed citizens,
can change the world. Indeed, it’s
the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead