Database Error!

"); $handle->select_db($DBName); $sql = ("SELECT nIndex, DAYNAME(dStartDate), DAYNAME(dEndDate), DATE_FORMAT(dStartDate, '%c/%d/%Y'), DATE_FORMAT(dEndDate, '%c/%d/%Y'), vDescText, DATE_FORMAT(dSignupDate, '%c/%d/%Y'), bRain, DATE_FORMAT(dRainDate, '%c/%d/%Y'), vRainText, bCORI, vAltCORI, vTimeText, vRegURL, nVolunteersNeeded, bPreviousVolunteer, vMinVolunteerAge, vWhatText, vHomeImgURL, vHomeText, vLocationText, vDetailText, vDetailImgURL, vWhyText, vHowText, vRainTimeText, vQuoteText, vDonateTagLine, vDeadlineText, tWhoText, bShowLocationMsg, bShowNoGroupsMsg, vDonateText, vFBDonateURL, DATE_FORMAT(dDonatePublishDate, '%c/%d/%Y'), DATE_FORMAT(dDonateExpireDate, '%c/%d/%Y') FROM tblEvents WHERE nIndex = $id"); $result = $handle->query($sql); $row = $result->fetch_row(); $id = $row[0]; $SDAY = $row[1]; $EDAY = $row[2]; $dStartDate = $row[3]; $dEndDate = $row[4]; $vDescText = $row[5]; $dSignup = $row[6]; $bRain = $row[7]; $dRainDate = $row[8]; $vRainText = $row[9]; $bCORI = $row[10]; $vAltCORI = $row[11]; $vTimeText = $row[12]; $vRegURL = $row[13]; $nVolunteers = $row[14]; $bPreviousVolunteer = $row[15]; $vMinVolunteerAge = $row[16]; $vWhatText = $row[17]; $vHomeImgURL = $row[18]; $vHomeText = $row[19]; $vLocationText = $row[20]; $vDetailText = $row[21]; $vDetailImgURL = $row[22]; $vWhyText = $row[23]; $vHowText = $row[24]; $vRainTimeText = $row[25]; $vQuoteText = $row[26]; $vDonateTagLine = $row[27]; $vDeadlineText = $row[28]; $vWhoText = $row[29]; $bShowLocationMsg = $row[30]; $bShowNoGroupsMsg = $row[31]; $vDonateText = $row[32]; $vFBDonateURL = $row[33]; $dDonatePublishDate = $row[34]; $dDonateExpireDate = $row[35]; if($bRain == 1) { $ros = "Rain or shine."; } if($dRainDate > 0) { $vRainTimeText ? $vRainTimeText = ", ".$vRainTimeText : ""; $rain_date_text = "

  • Rain Date: $dRainDate $vRainTimeText
  • "; } else { $rain_date_text = $ros; } if($bCORI == 1) { $cori_text = <<< _EndOfCORI
  • Note: Individual adults (not third parties) must complete and email this form along with a scan of current, government-issued photo ID to by $dSignup to complete this registration.
    Alternatively, one can send hardcopies of both to PMD as long as they ARRIVE by $dSignup at PMD's secure post office box: P.O. Box 120189, Boston, MA 02112-0189.
  • _EndOfCORI; } else { $cori_text = ""; } if($bShowLocationMsg == 0) { $pmd_note = ''; } else { $pmd_note = 'Note: PMD only shares specific directions, maps, and other details with registered volunteers since we cannot accommodate any walk-ins, i.e., unregistered volunteers simply showing up.'; } if($bPreviousVolunteer == 1) { $previous_volunteer_message = "

    Participation in this project is limited to people who have previously volunteered with PMD.

    "; } else { $previous_volunteer_message = ""; } if($vWhoText == ''){ $vWhoText = <<< _EndOfWho
    People Making a Difference (PMD) is a nonprofit organization that promotes informed and responsible volunteerism by involving people in tangible work that meets local needs and by assisting companies in building successful community involvement programs that:
    _EndOfWho; } if($bShowNoGroupsMsg == 1) { $bShowNoGroupsMsg = <<< _EOM

    For Individual Volunteers, NOT Groups

    _EOM; } else { $bShowNoGroupsMsg = ''; } // This is not used at this time -- 10/1/2022 $temp_how_text = <<< _EndOfHow
    Call PMD if you cannot sign up using our form.
    If you experience any difficult registering online to volunteer with PMD, please immediately CALL THE PMD OFFICE at (*82) 1-781-963-0373 so that we can help you AND troubleshoot the problem so that other potential volunteers will not face the same problem. Thanks!
    _EndOfHow; $signup = "SIGN UP"; switch ($nVolunteers){ case 99: // do nothing special $volunteer_message = ""; $signup = "SIGN UP"; break; case 0: // backup list stuff $volunteer_message = "

    Join the Backup List if you can reserve this day/time.

    "; $signup = "JOIN BACKUP LIST"; break; default: // when > 0 but not 99 $volunteer_message = "~$nVolunteers volunteers are still needed."; $signup = "SIGN UP"; break; } if ($vDeadlineText != ""){ $vDeadlineText .= "
    "; } $signup_button = <<< _EndOfButton


    _EndOfButton; if (($vFBDonateURL === null && $vDonateText === null) || ($dDonatePublishDate > $today) || ($today > $dDonateExpireDate)) { $donate_button = ""; } else { if($vFBDonateURL === null){ $vFBDonateURL = "/donate/#ways_to_donate"; } $donate_button = <<< _EndOfButton
    _EndOfButton; } if($today > $dEndDate) { $signup_button = ""; } get_header(); // =================================================== echo <<< _EndOfProject




    • $SDAY $dStartDate, $vTimeText
    • $rain_date_text
    • Sign up by $dSignup
      $vDeadlineText $volunteer_message
    • $cori_text


    $vWhatText $previous_volunteer_message











    $vWhoText $signup_button $donate_button


    _EndOfProject; get_footer(); exit(0); /* $arr = get_defined_functions(); //echo ("
    "); //print_r($arr); //echo ("
    "); wp_maybe_load_widgets(); //et_monarch_init_plugin(); */ ?>