For Individual Volunteers, NOT Groups

Officiate for the MIT Science Bowl, a high school invitational

Four volunteers, including Lilly Heilshorn from PMD, officiate for the 2023 MIT Science Bowl high school invitational


  • Saturday 11/16/2024, 8am-1pm or 8am-5pm
  • Sign up by 10/26/2024
    The 10/26/24 deadline has passed, so we're only accepting signups for the BACKUP LIST.

    Join the Backup List if you can reserve this day/time.


High school teams from Massachusetts and beyond will compete head-to-head, in-person for bragging rights and preparation for their winter 2025 regional competitions for the National Science Bowl.

This fast-paced question-and-answer competition on subjects* across biology, chemistry, earth and space science, physics, energy, and math will engage high school student from MA and beyond. This is the sixth year that this invitational is being held. Matches will be played head-to-head.
*Questions are roughly at the college freshman level.

A training-practice session at MIT is required 6:30pm-8:30pm on either Sunday 11/10 or Th 11/14 for all volunteers who officiate for matches (i.e., question readers, science judges, score keepers, and time keepers).

2025 Save the Dates for More STEM-Science Bowl Volunteer Opportunities: The Northeast Regional Middle School Science Bowl hosted at MIT will take place on Saturday 2/22, and the
Blue Lobster Bowl (BLB) of the National Ocean Sciences Bowl (NOSB) will take place at MIT on Saturday 3/1 with 3/2 snow postponement date. Commitment for both BLB dates is required.

Learn more about the National Science Bowl organized by the US Department of Energy at


MIT, Cambridge

Note: PMD only shares specific directions, maps, and other details with registered volunteers since we cannot accommodate any walk-ins, i.e., unregistered volunteers simply showing up.


The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) National Science Bowl (NSB) is a nation-wide academic competition that tests students' knowledge in science and mathematics. Typically, about 9,000 high school students from 1,500 teams compete in the 65 high school regional events.

This invitational will provide high school students with fun opportunities to test their knowledge and understanding of math and science.

This is an unofficial event organized and hosted by the MIT Science Team, dedicated MIT students who also host the Northeast Regional Middle School Science Bowl at MIT (2/22/25), an official regional NSB competition.



To officiate, apply by 10/26 at

Incomplete submissions cannot be honored.

We canNOT accept any UNregistered, walk-in volunteers.

Participation is required for the entire project shift for which you sign up. Folks who want to volunteer after 1pm will have staggered ending times that conclude before 5pm, but ending times may not be confirmed until 11/15.

AFTER the 10/26 application deadline, interested volunteers can join the backup list, since we anticipate (and promote) cancellations due to covid-19 infection and exposure. Joining the PMD backup list means making a commitment to reserve the shift and training night you select until the date you provide.

For volunteers age 17, a parent/guardian must co-sign a printout of PMD's waiver/release.

Call PMD if you cannot apply using our form.
If you experience any difficulty applying online to volunteer with PMD, please immediately CALL THE PMD OFFICE at (*82) 1-781-963-0373 so that we can help you AND troubleshoot the problem so that other potential volunteers will not face the same problem. Thanks!

After you apply, you will see a confirmation screen and receive a confirmation email message, so be sure to save the competition and training dates and times on your calendars AND add [email protected] to your address/white/allow list.

Then a few days before your training-practice and this competition MIT/PMD will email specific details, including directions to the project site by public transit and by car, what to wear/expect, checklist, map, and release form for minors that a parent/guardian must co-sign and provide at at check-in on 11/16 -- Volunteers age 18+ provide their consent when registering online, to minimize paper/contact.



Healthy volunteers who are high school graduates age 17 and older are welcome to officiate. Earlier registrants tend to be assigned their higher-preference roles.

While no science/engineering knowledge is required to keep score or time, or serve as an administrator, attention to detail is very important for all roles.

Advance training-practice at MIT is required for all NON-administrator roles on either on Sunday 11/10 or Thursday 11/14, 6:30-8:30pm.

We need volunteer moderators, science/question judges, score keepers, time keepers, and administrators:

  • Moderators Read questions for the students for several hours. STEM background required. Strong STEM background and prior competition experience as a competitor and/or official is strongly recommended. Alternates reading questions aloud with Science/Question Judge.
  • Science/Question Judges Follow along to ensure that moderator reads questions accurately, operate buzzer software and recognize students, and handle challenges on scientific merit. STEM background required. Prior NSB/comparable quiz bowl experience desired. Alternates reading questions aloud with Moderator.
  • Score Keepers Keep track of and tally the scores for two teams. Requires attentiveness, focus on game play/details, and accurate adding skills.
  • Time Keepers Ensure moderator and students observe the timing rules of the competition
  • Administrators Check teams in, run score sheets, set up, supervise lunch, and perform miscellaneous tasks to help the competition run smoothly



Video of the in-person high school 2024 National Finals championship round:

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